Lava Surf is excited to announce the addition of a new dashboard, Urgent Actions!
This dashboard allows you to receive alerts regarding issues with your accounts, profiles, or posts and how to resolve those issues. If you’re account gets disconnected because of a changed password, you’ll know about it. If a post fails to publish because of an error on the social network’s end, you’ll know about. And with knowing about the issue, it will also tell you how you can fix it.
All alerts are indicated and visible by the ‘mail’ icon in the top right corner of any page.
Clicking on the ‘mail’ icon gives you a list of all the different alerts that need to be addressed relating to your account. Clicking on the “Notifications” title takes you to the “Urgent Actions” dashboard and clicking on a specific alert takes you to the page where you can fix the issue.
The “Urgent Actions” dashboard provides you a list of all the outstanding alerts that need addressing. Clicking on a specific alert expands the details related to that alert, common reasons for the error, and how to fix it. Clicking the “Resolve” button also takes you directly to the page where you can fix the issue.
We look forward to the positive effects this will have in empowering you to better manage and understand the status of your accounts, profiles, and posts.
If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact your Lava Surf account manager or your company admin.